About Leatheroverstock.com
Leatheroverstock.com is the online provider of leather products and offers consumers and businesses a wide range of cowhides, sheepskins, goatskins, reindeer skins and various European and African wildlife. The focus is on the distribution of hides and skins in the Benelux and neighboring countries. For a long time Leatheroverstock.com has been a reliable supplier for both consumers and businesses. Leatheroverstock.com has a small but specialized team to give you the best service. Because of the good agreements that Leatheroverstock.com has with its suppliers and tanneries, the finest hides and furs at an affordable price are offered.
Company data
Chamber of Commerce number: 64922472
VAT number NL002223347B80
Grotestraat 32
5836 AG Sambeek
The Netherlands
(By appointment only!)
Use of photographic material
On occasion we use photographic material that we believe has been placed in the public domain. Sometimes it is not possible to verify this or to trace a possible author. In case you claim rights on what we have used for publication, please contact us.
Usage of photomaterial
On occasion, we use photomaterial which we are convinced that it is placed in the public domain. Sometimes it's not possible to verify that photomaterials are in the public domain or to find a potential author. In case you are claiming rights upon what we have used for publication, please contact us.